Friday, July 18, 2008

Yellowstone - Day 1

Well, it is the end of day 1 of our big Yellowstone adventure. First, I'm happy to report the Yukon (back from the shop after four weeks of repairs) made it just fine with no issues. None that we noticed anyway. :)

Day 1

11:10 - We finished packing up the rig, stopped by the bank, and headed off to drop Sausies off at Russ and Sue's house to be taken care of while we are gone.

12:00 - Leave Russ and Sue's house to head for West Yellowstone!

12:02 - "Dad, are we almost there yet?" (repeated every 1.8 minutes) :)

5:20 - Arrived at the Kelly Inn. Unloaded the Yukon, put kids and Missy in long pants (56 degrees and rainy on and off), and loaded back up to head for dinner.

6:20 - The Outpost appeared to be a Mom and Pop type of shop and we thought it would be great. It turned out to be mediocre at best, but it filled our bellies up.

7:25 - I was headed back to the motel because I was ready for bed. I was instructed that we were going into Yellowstone for a while and THEN we could head back for bed.

7:30 - Being the obedient husband that I am, I headed directly around the corner to Yellowstone. After only a few minutes this is what we saw:

8:25 - Heading back to the west entrance of Yellowstone there was an amazing sunset. The pictures don't do it justice, but here they are anyway:

9:40 - Back at the motel room, we were trying our best to keep the kids quiet when Hunter jumped out of bed holding his mouth. He had wiggled his loose tooth (number 7) so hard that it had fallen out! Great job Hunter! The newest missing tooth is the upper empty spot. Now he is waiting anxiously for the three missing teeth to come back in so he can eat normally again. :)

It's too bad we didn't warn the Tooth Fairy that we would be at the Kelly Inn in West Yellowstone. He'll have to wait until we get home to have her visit.

Now we'll try our best to get some sleep...


c strunk said...

How do you know the tooth fairy is a she?

Jami said...

looks like fun!!! I have't been to yellowstone for a long time- your kids are so cute!

Julianna said...

Looks like you are having a good time. Good job. I can't wait for the rest of the updates. You are now officially 3 days behind on your adventure!

Justin said...

This blogging thing takes a lot of time...dang. We have been out so late every night that I haven't had a chance to post about our adventures.

The Hyding Place said...

I love Yellowstone! We tell our kids that every time they ask if we are almost there, it takes us 5 minutes longer to get there and that they should stop asking or we will never get there. Andrew is still baffled about how that works. He thinks we slow down every time he asks and that is why it will take longer to get where we are going.